Mon, 1, July, 2024, 1:10 pm

Notre Dame students block road in Gulistan over death of fellow

Shawdesh Desk: Notre Dame College students blocked roads in Gulistan intersection Wednesday noon following death of their fellow Naeem Hasan, who was killed being hit by a waste-carrying vehicle of ReadMore

Journo among 20 hurt as BNP men, police clash in Natore

At least 20 people, including a journalist, were injured in a clash between BNP activists and police at Alaipur in Natore town on Monday. Witnesses said BNP leaders and activists ReadMore

6 killed as bus hits auto-rickshaw in Gaibandha

Shawdesh desk; Six persons were killed and two others injured in a road accident in Balkchar area on the Bogura-Rangpur Highway under Gobindaganj upazila of Gaibandha on Friday morning. Police ReadMore

Tk 66 lakh with ‘lucky coupon’ sticker found at Lalmonirhat canal

Shawdesh Desk: Police recovered Tk 66 lakh — 66 bundles of Tk 1,000 notes — from a canal in Jail Road of Lalmonirhat Sadar on Wednesday night. Shah Alam, Officer-in-Charge ReadMore

BGB detains ASI with 400 yaba pills in Rajshahi

Shawdesh Desk; Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) detained an Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) of Police with 400 yaba pills from a frontier area in Charghat upazila in Rajshahi  on Tuesday ReadMore

5 get life term for killing Jubo League leader in Rajshahi

Shawdesh Desk: A Rajshahi court has sentenced five people to life term imprisonment and 20 others to different terms for killing a Jubo League leader in Rajshahi in 2018. Judge ReadMore

8 more test positive for Covid-19 in Rajshahi

Shawdesh Desk: Eight more people have tested positive for Covid-19 in two districts of the division on Friday, taking the caseload to 99,105 since the pandemic began in March last ReadMore

Gaibandha: UP member killed by youth

Shawdesh DEsk: A newly elected member of Laxmipur union parishad was allegedly killed by a youth in Gobindapur village of Sadar upazila on Friday night, UNB reported. The deceased was ReadMore

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