Tue, 25, February, 2025, 3:09 am

“O Procrastination, I am Your Romeo!”

“O Procrastination, I am Your Romeo!”

Shawdesh Desk: I fell for a lady so beautiful, for whom my heart bounced back and forth like a sound-box playing hip-hop. Blessed with well-defined features and petite lips, she had the face of a pop idol. Her mid-length black hair shone and crowned her with a glowing halo. I forgot to ask her name.  Whilst getting lost into the depth of those hypnotizing eyes, the lover could not decipher the secrets hidden in every inch of her flattering eyelashes. But by then, it was too late-too late to unravel the tangled lies tightening around my neck, robbing me of the opportunity to breathe.
She was a greedy vampire, thirsty of the golden chance to drink the fresh blood my heart-one that beat only for her-pumped.  An unusual thief, she didn’t just steal my sleep but awakened a moonlight of pain that stabbed my soul like a serial killer in the gloom of my night. In my tortured mind, I wondered probably a serial killer could be a more merciful being than the evil she. Love had seemed to be so sweet, but in reality it was a ticket to an endless journey – Hell. My love for her that appeared never-ending had morphed into a full-blown terror.
Days passed, and the scars she left on my heart grew as deep as the Pacific Ocean. However, to my surprise, when I looked into the mirror to the corner of my eye, I saw no scars! She stood before me, her nails like the fangs of a vicious monster, but when I glanced at the mirror, it reflected nothing but my own face. What game was life, per say, playing with me?

I eventually discovered the truth: I was trapped in the mirror world, where everything was reversed. The love I once cherished had turned into venomous hate. The only way out could be the mirror per say, I believed.  Breaking free from the grip of the vampire, I bled through the mirror, my closed eyes hoping to see beauty in the world once again.
Stepping into the real world, everything felt like a nightmare. Despite all that had happened, I still searched for her in every face, but in no one could I find the familiarity I once adored. The field I stood in bloomed with numerous roses, but they lacked the love birds to admire them.
In the quest of finding himself, Romeo lost his Juliet.
Never could I fathom what her hair, flowing the flow of a golden river, what her dreamy eyes and what her mischievous smile entailed. Nevertheless, one thing I was most certain about was that her name was Procrastination, someone who was never coming back in my life, taking away my joy with her. After her arrival in my life, no task felt urgent. Unfortunately, I learnt time is as merciless as her. The thought of ‘someday’ is a disease that will bury your dreams with you.
When she rolled her hair with her finger, many had gotten entangled in it, so tightly that escape was impossible. I wish I could warn others, save them from the game of illusion in which she trapped me. I wish I could warn and save myself and everyone else from Procrastination before she got us playing in the same game of illusion. I wish I had known sooner that the pleasure of her love was a sweet, poisonous venom… I wish!
Knowing or unknowingly, beneath the shadow of the tree, the Romeo still saw the dream to find her and sang in her name.
“I will lie with thee tonight,” Romeo took his last breath…

The writer is a student of class- 10,
BACHA English Medium School, Farm Gate, Dhaka

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