Thu, 26, September, 2024, 6:01 pm

Apurba, Totini pair up for two dramas

Apurba, Totini pair up for two dramas

Shawdesh Desk:

Popular small screen actor of this generation Tanjim Saiyara Totini has paired up with noted actor Ziaul Faruq Apurba in two new dramas.

Between the dramas, one’s titled is “Absent mind” while the name of another is yet to be finalised. The shooting of the plays has already been completed at a location at Pubail in Gazipur.

Both of the two dramas have been made on the story of Apurba. Scripted by Mejbaur Rahman Sumon, the projects have been directed by Rubel Hasan.

About one year ago, Totini acted in the play “Bohiragoto” with Apurba directed by Rubel Hasan. After that, the duo has worked in two dramas under the same director. But the latest drama starring Apurba and Totini was Zakaria Soukhin’s “Pothe Holo Deri”.

About the dramas Apurba said, “Basically, the stories of the dramas have been written from the idea that the audience can enjoy it. The entire shooting unit, including Rubel, cinematographer Kamrul Islam Shubo has put in a lot of effort to make both the works good. I always give 100% effort. Totini has also improved more than before. I’m very hopeful about the projects.”

“I was a little nervous as I worked with Apurba bhai after a long time. Apurba bhai is an actor with whom artistes of our generation are an absolute delight to work with. He is very cooperative.  By acting in these two dramas, I have learned many new things in acting. This is a big matter. And Rubel bhai is a director who doesn’t rely on editing to make plays. He is prepared for every scene”, Totini shared her feeling in this way.

The dramas will be aired on YouTube channels Club Eleven Entertainment and SBE respectively soon.

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