Sun, 29, September, 2024, 2:26 pm

Coronavirus death toll rises to 4,299 globally

Coronavirus death toll rises to 4,299 globally

Shawdesh desk:

The death toll from the coronavirus or Covid-19 has reached 4,299 globally till Wednesday.

It has infected 119,225 people around the world, according to worldometers.

The coronavirus is affecting 119 countries and territories around the world and one international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan).

The Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) on Sunday confirmed that three coronavirus infected patients were detected in Bangladesh.

Mainland China has now confirmed 80,778 coronavirus patients, 61,475 of whom have recovered and been discharged from hospitals.

The death toll in mainland China now stands at 3,158.

In Italy, all 60 million residents are facing travel checks, school closures and bans on public events.

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