Mon, 3, June, 2024, 7:54 pm

Green Tea a Summery Spin with This Cooling herb

Green Tea a Summery Spin with This Cooling herb

Shawdesh Desk: Summers are here and how! In this sweltering heat, all you need is a refreshing cup of green tea to rejuvenate and boost the system to get along the day. The many nutritious benefits of green tea have made it a popular option across tea lovers and even those who are not. Green tea is known to soothe our body, mind and soul like nothing else. It is believed that a cup of green tea everyday can cleanse and rejuvenate our body.
Originating in China, which is the largest producer of green tea followed by Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia, green tea is derived out of Camellia sinensis leaves and does not go under oxidisation, which makes it a great antioxidant. Oxidisation in simple words refers to letting the tea leaves dry. Tea leaves go through a process of hand or machine-rolling to initiate the release of essential enzymes after which they are left to dry and oxidise. The more oxidised the leaves, darker will be the color with a strong taste. The innumerable health benefits of green tea would make you a fan just in case you are not.
Health Benefits Of Green Tea:
*Loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids, green tea helps in boosting the immunity and may also prevent our body from cold and flu.
*A regular intake of green tea also helps in lowering the cholesterol levels.
* Consumption of green tea can also facilitate healthy skin and hair.
*Green tea is known to maintain a healthy heart.
Nowadays, markets are stocked with a huge variety of flavors of green tea, from chamomile, tulsi, honey, jasmine and many more. While all these flavors might be great, the joy of brewing fresh green tea at home is unmatched. In the summer heat, add the magic of mint leaves to your green tea for the ultimate therapeutic experience. Infusing a few fresh or dried mint leaves adds a great flavour and additional refreshing properties to your green tea due to the presence of menthol. Here is a five-step recipe to make the perfect green tea with mint at home.
How To Make Mint Green Tea:
* Take a cup of water and add it to a container. Heat it until it gets boiled.
* Take a strainer, measure and put one teaspoon of green tea leaves in it. When almost simmering, put one teaspoon of cleansed mint leaves.
* Now pour hot water into the cup through the strainer. Pour till the bottom strainer is immersed completely. If you are using a tea bag, then dip the tea bag directly into the cup of water for about 2-3 minutes.
* Take a sip to check how strong you would like it to be and you are done!
* Steep again for 30 seconds if you feel the tea needs to be stronger.
Sip on the freshly brewed mint green tea and reap the many health benefits that come along.

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