Mon, 30, September, 2024, 8:34 am

Flood damages property, crops worth over Tk 86811cr: Enamur

Shawdesh Desk: The recent floods ravaging Bangladesh’s north and northeastern regions caused damages worth over Tk 86811.65 crore, said state minister for disaster management and relief Md Enamur Rahman on ReadMore

Avoid procurement of less important items to cut govt expenditure: PM

Shawdesh Desk: Prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday directed the authorities concerned to avoid procurement of less important items to cut the government expenditure in this time of global crisis. ReadMore

CEC for politically facing outside meddling

Shawdesh Desk: Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal on Monday advised politicians to face foreigners’ interference in elections, if any, politically as the Election Commission has nothing to do in ReadMore

Bangladesh receives $1.64b remittance in 21 days of July: BB

Shawdesh desk: Bangladesh received $1.64 billion inward remittance till July 21, thanks to Eid-ul-Azha when Bangladeshi migrants sent more money to families to celebrate one of the biggest festival of ReadMore

Bangladesh reports 5 more Covid deaths, 548 new cases

Shawdesh Desk: Bangladesh reported five more Covid deaths in 24 hours till Monday morning while it recorded 548 coronavirus cases during the period. “Bangladesh reported 7.84 per cent Covid positive ReadMore

Cost of a missed opportunity

Biden’s trip to the Middle East demonstrated the weakness of US influence in the region, the increased difficulty of any resumption of the Iran nuclear accord and the enhanced role ReadMore

WHO declares highest alert over monkeypox

Shawdesh Desk: The monkeypox outbreak has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization. The classification is the highest alert that the WHO can issue and follows ReadMore

Mental health care essential for heart patients

Shawdesh Desk: Many people who are born with heart defects show resilience and have a great quality of life, although they may encounter a variety of health-related psychological and social ReadMore

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