Mon, 8, July, 2024, 5:38 am

Israel presses on in Gaza as world awaits response to Iran attack

Shawdesh desk: Israel struck war-battered Gaza overnight, Hamas and witnesses said on Monday, as world leaders urged de-escalation awaiting Israel’s reaction to Iran’s unprecedented attack that heightened fears of wider ReadMore

New sanctions on Iran coming soon: US

Shawdesh Desk: The United States said on Tuesday that it would soon impose new sanctions on Iran’s missile and drone program after its weekend attack on Israel, and that it ReadMore

Sources deny Saudi’s involvement in intercepting Iranian attacks on Israel

Shawdesh Desk: Informed sources denied to Al Arabiya on Monday Saudi Arabia’s participation in intercepting Iranian drones during its attack on Israel on Saturday. Israeli news websites had published statements ReadMore

Crushing reply awaits any aggression on Iran: Armed Forces spox

Shawdesh desk: Senior Spokesman of Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi has advised the US, the UK, France, and Germany to halt advocating Israel in advancing its criminal acts. ReadMore

UN experts deplore use of purported AI to commit ‘domicide’ in Gaza

Shawdesh Desk: UN experts on Monday deplored the purported use of artificial intelligence (AI) and related military directives by Israel in occupied Gaza leading to an unprecedented toll on the ReadMore

Astronaut shares the profound ‘big lie’ he realized after seeing the Earth from space

Shawdesh desk: Sixty-one years ago, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to make it into space and probably the first to experience what scientists now call the “overview effect.” This ReadMore

Iran Issues Fresh Threat to U.S.

Shawdesh Desk: Iran has warned Israel of a larger attack should it retaliate against its drone and missile assault, adding that U.S. bases would be targeted if Washington supports Israel ReadMore

How Our Body Knows When Death Is Near

Shawdesh Desk: In the realm of our senses, the olfactory system often takes a backseat, quietly overshadowed by the dominance of sight and hearing. We navigate our world, largely influenced ReadMore

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