Sat, 28, September, 2024, 10:57 am

How to ensure home security during Eid vacation

How to ensure home security during Eid vacation

As the joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Azha approaches, the streets of our cities and towns are alive with excitement as people prepare to reunite with their loved ones in their hometowns. Some people are also planning to travel to various tourist sites.

However, amidst the anticipation of the festivities, a pressing concern looms over those leaving their workplaces, houses, or rental homes unattended – the security of their properties.

Potential Risks

Risk of Theft and Burglary

Residents departing for their hometowns often leave behind valuable possessions such as jewellery, money, and electronic appliances. Vacant homes become susceptible to intruders, increasing the risk of theft and burglary during the holiday season.

Safety Hazards

Unattended electric switches, leaking water sinks, and unattended gas lines pose safety risks to the property and neighbouring units. Negligence towards securing doors and windows adequately further exacerbates the situation.

Essential Precautions

Conduct Home Safety Checks

  • Inspect for Issues: Before leaving, inspect your home for any maintenance problems such as faulty locks, broken windows, or damaged fences.
  • Electrical Safety: Disconnect electrical appliances, shut off water valves, and close gas lines to prevent accidents.
  • Secure Doors and Windows: Make sure all doors and windows are properly locked. Consider installing additional locks if necessary.

Secure Valuables

  • Store Valuables Safely: Place valuable items like jewellery, important documents, and cash in a secure location such as a safe deposit box or a locked cabinet.
  • Avoid Visibility: Do not leave valuable items in plain sight to avoid attracting potential thieves.

Neighbourhood Watch Collaboration

Collaborate with trusted neighbours to establish a neighbourhood watch programme, where residents can look out for each other’s properties during times of absence. Sharing contact information and keeping each other informed about any suspicious activities in the area can help deter criminal activities.

Temporary Security Enhancements

Consider investing in temporary security measures such as motion-activated lights or security cameras to provide additional protection for your home while you’re away. Installing timers for lights or using smart home security systems can create the illusion of occupancy. Arrange for someone to periodically check on your property in your absence to ensure everything is in order.

Maintain a Low Profile on Social Media

  • Avoid Announcements: Refrain from posting your travel plans or absence on social media.
  • Delay Updates: Share your holiday experiences after you return to maintain the security of your home.

Emergency Contact Preparedness

Create an emergency contact plan that includes contact information for local authorities, trusted neighbours, and family members who can assist in case of any security or safety emergencies while you’re away. Having a well-defined plan in place can help ensure a quick response to any unforeseen incidents during your absence.

By incorporating these measures into your home security preparations for Eid celebrations, you can minimise the risk of security breaches and enjoy a worry-free holiday with your loved ones.

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