Mon, 3, June, 2024, 8:26 pm

How having neem leaves daily can keep diseases at bay​

How having neem leaves daily can keep diseases at bay​

Shawdesh desk:

We are not unaware of the bitter taste of the neem leaves. We are also not unaware of the amazing health benefits and medicinal values the leaves have. We often hear our parents and grandparents talk about the medicinal values of these leaves and advise us to consume them. Kids are cajoled to gulp down drinks made of neem leaves. Let’s discuss the several benefits associated with consuming neem leaves on an empty stomach.

Keep the gut system free from germs​

One of the major benefits of consuming healthy leaves of neem on an empty stomach is that it protects the gut system and the alimentary canal from pathogens. Our gut is prone to several infections these days because of the lifestyle we lead, the food we consume, and the random eating and drinking habits we follow. Consuming something that is naturally grown and has potential health benefits sometimes works much better


Improve liver health​

Another benefit of consuming neem leaves on an empty stomach is that it keeps the liver healthy. The anti-inflammatory properties of neem leaves fights off oxidative stress that is caused due to the free radicals. Oxidative stress damages the tissues of the liver

Regulate blood sugar level​

The bitter taste of neem is often associated with diabetes and many people consume it to keep their blood sugar under control. If you have blood sugar issues, it is advisable to consume neem leaves as you can also get other associated benefits of it.

Help ease constipation

One of the most common usage of neem leaves is in curing stomach related issues and the most common one among all is constipation and bloating. The fibres present in neem leaves help in good bowel movement and also relieves of bloating.


Source: Times of India

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