Mon, 3, June, 2024, 9:26 pm

Gandhi, Nehru’s commitments on Kashmir trashed

NEW Delhi said that the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Indian constitution through which it abolished Kashmir’s special status and brought it under its direct rule ReadMore

MCC grant must not become a lost opportunity

With elections on the horizon, one of the strongest criticisms of the Sri Lankan government has been that it failed to boost economic growth and bring development and prosperity in ReadMore

‘Catastrophic’ Dorian pounds Bahamas, US evacuates coast

Shawdesh Desk: Hurricane Dorian battered the Bahamas with ferocious wind and rain on Sunday, the monstrous Category 5 storm wrecking towns and homes as it churned on an uncertain path ReadMore

Saudi-led airstrikes kill at least 100 in rebel-run prison

Shawdesh Desk: The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen staged multiple airstrikes on a detention center operated by the Houthi rebels in the southwestern province of Dhamar, killing at least 100 ReadMore

Single-digit lending rate soon: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday said the government has initiated necessary measures to bring down interest rate on bank loan to single digit to facilitate low-cost fund for industries ReadMore

‘State of economy deeply worrying’

Shawdesh Desk: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday, in a statement in a video, said the state of the economy today was “deeply worrying”. He said the “all-round mismanagement” ReadMore

Pakistan in panic mode

Shawdesh Desk: It’s going to be a month since the Indian Parliament legislated radical steps in making two union territories out of Jammu and Kashmir State. Such a move has ReadMore

Supreme Court upholds Ayesha’s bail

Shawdesh Desk: The Appellate Division on Monday upheld the High Court bail for Ayesha Siddika Minni in a case over the murder of her husband Rifat Sharif and paved the ReadMore

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