Mon, 3, June, 2024, 3:07 pm

Healthy fasting tips to control blood sugar, foods to eat and avoid

Healthy fasting tips to control blood sugar, foods to eat and avoid

Shawdesh desk:

People who have uncontrolled glucose levels are at risk of complications during fasting. As Navratri is just a few days away and many people across India will fast during the nine days of the Hindu festival, it is important for diabetics to plan their diet in advance and discuss change in medication during this time with their doctors.

Regular monitoring of blood sugar, adding complex carbs, sufficient fibre and protein and sleep well can all help people with diabetes to stay healthy during the nine days of fasting.

Dr Prahlad Chawla, associated with Nishkaam Diabetes Care & Research, MD, FCCS, FICP, DFID, Fellowship in Diabetes (CMC Vellore) in a recent video posted on YouTube shares healthy fasting tips for people with diabetes.


Dr Chawla says people who monitor their blood sugar levels through glucometer and have good control on their blood sugar levels may not face a lot of problems in fasting during Navratri.

Foods to eat and avoid while fasting

Deep frying foods or adding sugar in them can be dangerous for people with diabetes.

“It is generally seen that while fasting people eat potato and Buckwheat. But the real problem is the cooking method here. People usually make poori, pakoda using these ingredients. Buckwheat is very good for diabetes patients as they have complex carbs that keep sugar levels in control but deep frying it can be harmful and raise blood sugar,” says Dr Chawla.

He says the right way to have Buckwheat by making rotis and having it with curd.

One can also have milk and buttermilk to maintain energy levels during the fast.


Source: Hindustan Times

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