Mon, 3, June, 2024, 8:35 pm

Covid-19: India vaccination crosses 100 million doses

Covid-19: India vaccination crosses 100 million doses

Shawdesh desk:

India has administered more than 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccines amid a deadly second wave of infections.

The country has been reporting an average of more than 90,000 cases of Covid-19 every day since 1 April.


Everyone above the age of 45 is now eligible for jabs, which are available at vaccination centres and hospitals.

Most of the doses have been given so far to frontline workers and people above the age of 60.

India is the “fastest country in the world” to give 100 million doses, “achieving the feat in 85 days whereas the US took 89 days and China reached the milestone in 102 days,” the health ministry said.

However, the world’s largest vaccination drive appears to be struggling. This week, half a dozen states have reported a shortage of doses even as the federal government insists that there’s enough in stock.

The government claims the “allegations” of vaccine scarcity are “utterly baseless” and it has more than 40 million doses in stock.

The inoculation drive aims to cover 250 million people by July, but experts say the pace needs to pick up further to meet the target.



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